ARP developments to August 2001

A feature of our development work during recent months has been the introduction of ranges of flavours within a single concept, giving our customers the ability to pick and choose which individual flavours suit their markets.
ARP devoted to continuous development
  • A new range of flavoured meat glazes for 2002 is now being trialled by several manufacturers. The flavours are a combination of some old favourites with several others from around the world, and considerable effort has been expended to make the resultant glazes visually interesting.
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  • Of interest to many manufacturers will be a range of Cold Thickening Sauce Mixes. These are easy to mix in cold water, to give a thick sauce which is freeze/thaw stable, with a long shelf life, and are proving to be suitable for a variety of applications. Flavours so far developed range from Sage and Onion to Tikka Masala.

  • A considerable degree of work has gone into products for comminuted meats, including Meatball Mixes (from Mushroom with Herbs to Hickory Smoke BBQ), Burger Seasonings in a large variety of flavours (Cajun, Pizza, Horseradish & Onion, Coronation Chicken, for example), and Grillsteak Mixes (including Chinese, Moroccan, Chilli/Mint and Lemon, and Rosemary & Redcurrant).

  • New to ARP are Bread Flavours, but we have to date worked on over two dozen different varieties, from Tomato & Peppers to Sage & Black Olive. It has proved possible to produce breads which are really attractive both in taste and appearance.

  • Work continues on flavouring mixes for instant porridge, drawing upon some of our experience in making flavours for milk shakes, and on flavours for pot noodle type snack meals.

  • We have found it possible to produce organic bouillon mixes, albeit in only a limited variety of flavours, because of the necessary restrictions imposed by organic regulations.

  • Our most recent success is to market a pastry glaze in powder form, which is easy to use and produces very satisfactory results, so important in the presentation of pastry goods.